North Island
Area of the North Island
A day’s travel from Vancouver, Victoria or Seattle is the unspoiled and undiscovered north portion of Vancouver Island. BC’s largest marine park, Broughton Archipelago, is just off shore of Port Hardy. The diversity and the populations of wildlife are evident. The friendly nature of the residents can warm any cool day. If you like land and water and getting outdoors, you are going to love Vancouver Island’s northern expanses. All outdoor activities can be found here: skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting, boating, caving, diving, the list is as endless as your imagination. The area is mainly serviced by Highway 19 which runs through or connects every main municipality together.
Real Estate in the North Island
There is a wide range of housing available in the northern regions of the island. Every type of house, from rancher to townhouse to craftsman and every age, new, rustic and heritage. The majority of housing is found around the urban centers though there are cabins in the vast wilderness.
Schools in the North Island
Schools fall under School District 85. This district serves all of the North Island beyond Campbell River. There are 7 elementary schools and 4 secondary schools.
Facts & Figures for North Island
Current MLS® Stats - Houses
Listings for sale
Average list price
Avg days on market
Current MLS® Stats - Condos
Listings for sale
Average list price
Avg days on market
Current MLS® Stats - Townhomes
Listings for sale
Average list price
Avg days on market
Statistics are estimated from current and past MLS® sales data and do not take into consider off-market listings and sales. Data is deemed reliable but cannot guarantee accuracy. Please inquire with our team to verify and acquire further information.
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Recent listings in North Island
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Disclaimer: MLS® property information is provided under copyright© by the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board.
The information is from sources deemed reliable, but should not be relied upon without independent verification.