Area of Parksville
Parksville was incorporated on June 19th, 1945 and has been a city since February 15th, 1986. The main industries are service, construction and financials (business, finance, administration). The primary resource sector jobs are in fishing and forestry. Much of Parksville’s economy is centered around tourism and the retiree population.
History of Parksville
The 1st nations in the area had been utilizing this area for thousands of years. The Spanish explored the region in 1791. The first settlers arrived in 1873 and an outpost was established on the Englishman River. It remained an outpost until it was connected via a road to Nanaimo. The town experienced a tourism boom in 1901 and that continues today due to the weather and the large and extraordinary beaches.
Lifestyle and Recreation in Parksville
Parksville has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and dry warm summers. There is every type of outdoor recreation available to residents including spelunking, kayaking, golfing, climbing, fishing, hunting and many other activities.
Amenities / Transportation in Parksville
The city has every type of store needed in a city setting. There is a mix of small local owners and larger franchised stores as well. The city can be accessed via a bus, a plane, a boat or via Highways 19 and 19A. The city is 37 km northwest of Nanaimo, 48 km east of Port Alberni and 7 km south of Qualicum Beach.
Real Estate in Parksville
There are 5953 total dwellings in Parksville. 64% are single detached houses, 12% are apartment walk ups, 10% are row housing, 6% are moveable homes, 6% are semi-detached homes, 1% are duplexes, and only 0.3% are apartments above 5 storeys. 78% of housing is owned by the resident and 22% are available as rentals.
Facts & Figures for Parksville
Statistics are estimated from current and past MLS® sales data and do not take into consider off-market listings and sales. Data is deemed reliable but cannot guarantee accuracy. Please inquire with our team to verify and acquire further information.
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The information is from sources deemed reliable, but should not be relied upon without independent verification.